Implementarea unui cache de tip LRU
Astăzi vom împlementa un simplu cache de tipul LRU. De ce la ce vine LRU? Least Recently Used.
24th Dec 2020
- Mihai Surdeanu
Hi. This is Mihai Surdeanu, a passionate software developer. Pleased to meet you. This is my personal blog. Please let me know if you enjoy it!
Astăzi vom împlementa un simplu cache de tipul LRU. De ce la ce vine LRU? Least Recently Used.
Motto: Keep in mind - try to reduce memory consumption of your application!
Currently, I am using logrotate on all my VPS servers to automatically manage my logfiles and to avoid keeping them indefinitely. What's the potential problem by keeping them forever? Quite simple and intuitive. At some point, my servers will run out of free disk space and all applications deployed there will be impacted.